(1556 - 5 February 1597)
St. Gonsalo Garcia was the first canonized saint from India. Canonized on June 8, 1862 by Pope Pius IX.
St. Gonsalo Garcia was born around 1556 in the fortified city of Bassein in the Portuguese quarter of India. His father was a Portuguese soldier and his mother was a native.
As he grew up, Gonsalo stayed with the local Jesuits. While there, he became friends with Fr. Sebastian Gonsalves, who become Gonsalo's mentor. He studied Grammar, Philosophy and Roman History with the Jesuits. When he was 13, Gonsalo asked Fr. Sebastian for permission to join the missionaries to Japan. However, his request was denied because he was too young, and was approved two years later.
Once the missionaries reached Japan, Gonsalo worked as a catechist. He would walk the streets drawing children to him with his kindness and a fluent understanding of Japanese. He worked for eight years in the Japanese missionary fields with the Jesuits. He tried to join the Jesuit order, but he was turned down because of his native origin.
Losing hope, Gonsalo left the Jesuits. He moved to the Japanese city of lacao and started work as a merchant. His work flourished. Through his business transaction he came into contact with many high ranking members of Japanese society, even the Emperor.
Even though he was successful in business, Gonsalo yearned to become a member of a religious order. Eventually, he was accepted by the Franciscans. He moved to Manila and worked as a catechist there. Once again, his fluency in Japanese came in handy. In 1593, he joined a Spanish delegation to Japan as a translator. After some initial problems, the Franciscans became quite successful in their missionary efforts. The local king, Taikosama, was friendly towards them, as well. At the same time the Jesuits were having trouble making conversions.
The success of the Franciscans angered the Buddhist priests. They tried to get the king to expel the Franciscans, but he refused. However, that was about to change. A Spanish treasure ship named the San Felipe was forced to land because of a storm. The captain erroneously told the local Japanese custom agent that the Franciscans had been sent by the Spanish king to influence the people to rebel against their ruler. This lie was taken advantage of by the enemies of the Franciscans.
When Taikosama heard the story, he was enraged and ordered that all missionaries in Japan be arrested and executed. The Franciscans were arrested on December 8, 1596 and sentenced to death. The following February, twenty-six Christians were taken to a hill outside of Nagasaki and crucified.
St. Garcia was the first to be extended on, and nailed to, the cross, which was then erected in the middle of those of his companions. Two lances piercing the body from one side to the other and passing through the heart, whilst the saint was singing the praises of God during the infliction of the torture, put an end to his sufferings and won for Garcia the martyr's crown.
Upon seeing this, the Christians in the crowd broke through the guards and used pieces of cloth to soak up the blood of these holy martyrs. They were forced back by the guards, their blood mingling with that of the martyrs. At the end of the day, even some of the toughest soldiers had tears in their eyes. The bodies were left hanging for the vultures to eat, but after forty days they remained intact.
PATRON: Archdiocese of Bombay and the Diocese of Vasai.
PRAYER TO ST. GONSALO GARCIA: Heavenly Father, in order to spread the Good News to the far east, in Japan, you inspired St. Gonsalo Garciato to imitate your Son and embrace the Cross. The blood of his martyrdom sanctified the Japanese soil and established the Christian faith in Japan. As we venerate St. Gonsalo, India's first canonized Saint. We pray that we too may experience the same fire and zeal for your Gospel, which kindled in the heart of St. Gonsalo. Through the intercession of St. Gonsalo, we pray for special blessings, grace, and good health for the below...
(mention the name/s of those you wish to pray for)
Inspired by the life and sacrifice of St. Gonsalo, may more and more young people choose to work in your vineyard. May our lives of sacrifice and mutual love bear witness to the same faith that St. Gonsalo Garcia professed and died for. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...
St. Gonsalo Garcia: Pray for us!