16 March, 2025 - Sunday

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DAY 9 - MARCH 16

REFLECTION: St. Patrick performed 39 Resurrection Miracles. Thirty-three are mentioned in one specific report: "For the blind and the lame, the deaf and the dumb, the palsied, the lunatic, the leprous, the epileptic, all who laboured under any disease, did he in the Name of the Holy Trinity restore unto the power of their limbs and unto entire health; and in these good deeds was he daily practiced. Thirty and three dead men, some of whom had been many years buried, did this great reviver raise from the dead, as above we have more fully recorded." - The Life and Acts of St. Patrick.

PRAYER: Thank You, Jesus, for everything You have done for me. You came to live on earth and showed me how to live a life of joy and love and service. You suffered and died and rose from the dead so that I would have eternal life. You walk with me each day, giving me encouragement, guidance, and unconditional love. You forgive my sins, heal my wounds, and feed my soul. I can never stop thanking You, Jesus, my Lord and my God. I love You, and I am Yours.

Our Heavenly Father sent St. Patrick to preach the Gospel and bring the Holy Eucharist to the people of Ireland. By St. Patrick's intercessory prayer and saintly example, may we always enjoy his protection from every evil. May he always lead us to the truth of the Triune God and the human face of Divine Truth, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(State your intentions here…)

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...

O Glorious Saint Patrick, pray for us and seek my intention through this Novena but may “God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. 

V. Pray for us, O glorious St. Patrick

R. And obtain for us the intention of this Novena.

LET US PRAY: O God, Who didst send Thy blessed servant St. Patrick to instruct and save Thy people, and didst infuse into his heart so great a share of Thine own tenderness, charity, and zeal, listen, we beseech Thee, to the prayers which we now offer up in union with the prayers of this glorious patron and father in heaven, and grant us, through his intercession, the intentions of this Novena, and the grace rather to die than to offend thee. Amen.


DAY 7 - MARCH 16

PRAYER BEFORE THE NOVENA: Great Saint Joseph, prostrate at thy feet with feelings of unlimited confidence, we beg thee to bless the Novena that I pray in thy honor. I will meditate upon thy virtues; grant that I may learn fully to appreciate them. The knowledge of them will be the source of great confusion for me because of the poverty and destitution of my soul. Great dispenser of the heavenly treasures, assist me in my poverty, help me to display thy virtues in my own soul. "Thou art never invoked in vain," says the seraphic St. Teresa of Jesus; be thou to me what thou hast been to that Spouse of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; graciously hearken to me as thou didst hearken to her. Amen.


Let us honour St. Joseph the faithful and prudent servant to whom Almighty God entrusted the care of His family. Prudence inspired St. Joseph to adopt as the foundation and rule of his conduct, the great principles of faith; God, the end of man in this world; God, the reward of man in eternity.

Remembering that life is short and uncertain, that upon a moment may depend our eternity, St. Joseph wisely employs his time. He is careful to make a holy use of his senses and his other faculties in order to give to his Lord and Master a faithful account of the talents entrusted to him; he watches over the world around him, yielding to the world in the measure willed by God, but not giving himself up to it. He makes within himself a retreat accessible to God alone and impenetrable to creatures.

(State your intentions here…)

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...

PRAYER: Faithful and prudent servant, watch over my weakness and my inexperience; obtain for me that prudence which reminds me of my end, which directs my paths, and which protects me from every danger. Amen.

Saint Joseph, Lover of poverty, pray for us.

Model of labourers, pray for us.

Solace of the wretched, pray for us.


DAY 1 - MARCH 16


"Let us make man to our image and likeness" (Gen 1: 26). God "clothed him with strength according to himself" (Eccls 17: 2). "He created in them the science of the spirit, he filled their heart with wisdom and showed them both good and evil" (Eccls 1'7: 6'). Man chose the natural and all his natural faculties were injured in the loss of his supernatural life.

PRAYER: I greet you, Ever-blessed Virgin, Mother of God, Throne of Grace, miracle of Almighty Power! I greet you, Sanctuary of the Most Holy Trinity and Queen of the Universe, Mother of Mercy and refuge of sinners!

Most loving Mother, attracted by your beauty and sweetness, and by your tender compassion, I confidently turn to you, miserable as I am, and beg of you to obtain for me from your dear Son the favour I request in this novena.

(State your intentions here…)

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...

Obtain for me also, Queen of heaven, the most lively contrition for my many sins and the grace to imitate closely those virtues which you practiced so faithfully, especially humility, purity and obedience. Above all, I beg you to be my Mother and Protectress, to receive me into the number of your devoted children, and to guide me from your high throne of glory.

Do not reject my petitions, Mother of Mercy! Have pity on me, and do not abandon me during life or at the moment of my death. Amen.

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