12 March, 2025 - Wednesday

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DAY 5 - MARCH 12

REFLECTION: St. Patrick's work for God in Ireland was not easy. He called people to set aside their pagan beliefs and embrace Christianity. It is difficult for people to accept any kind of change, and it is especially difficult for people to change their basic beliefs. St. Patrick often feared that he would be killed violently or thrown back into slavery. Yet he persevered because he trusted in God completely.

PRAYER: God, increase my trust in You. I am weak. I give my problems and worries to You. But then I take them back. And unlike St. Patrick, I sometimes let my fears keep me from doing Your work of reaching out to others with love and compassion. I want to be like St. Patrick and trust in You completely. Help me, God. 

Our Heavenly Father sent St. Patrick to preach the Gospel and bring the Holy Eucharist to the people of Ireland. By St. Patrick's intercessory prayer and saintly example, may we always enjoy his protection from every evil. May he always lead us to the truth of the Triune God and the human face of Divine Truth, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(State your intentions here…)

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...

O Glorious Saint Patrick, pray for us and seek my intention through this Novena but may “God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.

V. Pray for us, O glorious St. Patrick

R. And obtain for us the intention of this Novena.

LET US PRAY: O God, Who didst send Thy blessed servant St. Patrick to instruct and save Thy people, and didst infuse into his heart so great a share of Thine own tenderness, charity, and zeal, listen, we beseech Thee, to the prayers which we now offer up in union with the prayers of this glorious patron and father in heaven, and grant us, through his intercession, the intentions of this Novena, and the grace rather to die than to offend thee. Amen.


DAY 3 - MARCH 12

PRAYER BEFORE THE NOVENA: Great Saint Joseph, prostrate at thy feet with feelings of unlimited confidence, we beg thee to bless the Novena that I pray in thy honor. I will meditate upon thy virtues; grant that I may learn fully to appreciate them. The knowledge of them will be the source of great confusion for me because of the poverty and destitution of my soul. Great dispenser of the heavenly treasures, assist me in my poverty, help me to display thy virtues in my own soul. "Thou art never invoked in vain," says the seraphic St. Teresa of Jesus; be thou to me what thou hast been to that Spouse of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; graciously hearken to me as thou didst hearken to her. Amen.


St. Joseph loved God from his earliest youth and loved Him during his whole life. Joseph loved God with his whole heart, with his whole soul, with his whole strength. Joseph loved God with a love of preference, giving Him his first affections, and cutting off his heart from all that could hinder or alter his love for his Lord and Sovereign Master. Joseph loved God with a love of union, keeping himself; constantly united to God by prayer, meditation, the thought of His holy presence, and the most perfect conformity to the will of God.

St. Joseph loved God with a love of immolation which prompted him to perfect devotedness, enabling him to perform with joy the greatest and most numerous sacrifices. Joseph loved God with a love of perseverance that experienced neither decrease nor alteration. He always loved God with all his power to love, and constantly endeavored to love Him more and more.

(State your intentions here…)

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...

PRAYER: Blessed St. Joseph, enkindle in my cold heart a spark of thy charity. May God be always the first and only object of my affections. Keep my soul always in sanctifying peace, and, if I should be so unhappy as to lose it, give me the strength to recover it immediately by a sincere repentance. Grant me such a love of my God as will always keep me united to Him, and will be the principle and motive of all my actions. Grant me a generous love that will make me overcome all obstacles, and accept the greatest sacrifices rather than separate myself from the charity of my God. Amen.

Diligent protector of Christ: Pray for us!

Head of the Holy Family: Pray for us!

Joseph, most just: Pray for us!

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