1 March, 2025 - Saturday

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( 470 AD - 1 March, 549 AD)

Albinus was born to a noble Gallo-Roman family at Vannes, Brittany. He was a pious child and when he was still young he entered the monastic life at a place then called Cincillac, (Later the name was changed to St. Aubin's in his honor) against the wishes of his parents. At Cincillac, he became a model of virtue. Albinus embraced the austerities of monastic life and accepted doing the most humble chores without complaining. He was courageous in his defense of his faith and in proclaiming truth.

His burning desire was to live for Christ. Respected by the other monks for setting a good example and his devotion to prayer. Albinus was elected abbot when he was just 35. The monastery flourished under his modest Rule, and the monks at Tintillant were enriched by his wisdom. In 529, after serving 25 years as abbot, Albinus was named Bishop of Angers. Although his opinions were now sought by royalty, his manner remained unpretentious.

As bishop, Albinus worked for the greater good of his people, instructing them in their faith. The custom during Albinus' time allowed for consanguinary marriage (marriage between those closely related through blood). Albinus felt that this was incest and fought against it, making many enemies, especially among some of the powerful families practicing consanguinity. With the support of King Childebert, finally, in 538 and again in 541, Councils were called at Orleans and this practice was condemned, along with other immoral activities. When his diocese was raided by pagan invaders and countless citizens were taken into slavery, Albinus made every effort to ransom them while giving generously to the sick and the poor.

Albinus was a contemporary of St. Bede. We owe appreciation to St. Albinus for assisting St. Bede in composing his “Ecclesiastical History of the English.” St. Bede records this fact in the letter he sent to Albinus with a copy of the work. St. Bede also spoke very highly of Albinus, stating that he was a most learned man in all the sciences, and giving Albinus credit for his assistance.

As bishop, Albinus preached every day, and took great care of the sick and the poor. He had a special care for widows who were raising large families. He also was famous for his work ransoming captives. Nearby barbarian forces would raid the cities, and he spent large amounts of money to buy back prisoners who had been enslaved.

Once, the king himself carried off a beautiful young girl and locked her away for his own pleasure. When Albinus heard about it, he went directly to the castle and demanded her freedom. The guards dared not oppose him and handed her over. The king did not pursue, but had the gall to demand a ransom for her freedom, which Albinus paid himself.

Many miracles were attributed to Albinus. According to one story, when he was unable to procure the release of some badly treated prisoners, he prayed in front of the prison until a landslide destroyed it, allowing the men to escape. They then reformed and became model Christians and citizens. 

Albinus died March 1, 549, and his relics are enshrined at Angers. King Childebert built a church over his burial place and became a popular place of pilgrimage.. Many churches in France, as well as monasteries and villages, bear his name. Many miracles were attributed to him while he lived and after his death. Some of these are related in writings by Fortunatus, Bishop of Poitiers.

Legend says that once Albinus visited a prison where a woman named Etheria, imprisoned for bad debts, fell down at his feet, pleading for his help. A guard pulled his sword and made a move to strike her with it when Albinus turned and breathed in the soldier's face, whereby he fell dead. Soon after, Etheria was released.

PATRON: Sick Children, against blindness, against pertussis or whooping cough, against pirate attacks.

PRAYER: St. Albinus, we ask your intercession for our friends and loved ones who make bad choices in their lives. We pray for those who are considering marriages that are not approved by God nor sanctioned by the Church, that they will seek to do what is right in God's sight. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.


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