(4 April 1884 - 26 November 1971)
Blessed Father James Alberione, SSP, 1884-1971, was a priest from Northern Italy who had profound insight into the world of media and did much to get the Church evangelizing with the latest media technology. He founded the Pauline Family, 10 congregations and institutes of bishops, priests, religious and laity–forming them in his Pauline apostolic spirituality, and calling them to be St. Paul the Apostle living today.
James Alberione was born the fifth child of hardworking farmers. He grew up in a deeply Christian atmosphere, where faith was not only taught; but also lived. At school one day, when he James was six years old, his teacher asked her students what they wanted to be when they grew up. When it was James' turn, he thought for a moment and then announced, “I am going to be a priest.” At sixteen, he entered the seminary of Alba, arriving with his father in a cart pulled by an ox. Some of the seminarians laughed, saying, ”He comes to study with an ox!” But James, quick-witted and a good sport, replied, ”As long as the ox doesn't eat my books!”
On the night of December 31, 1900, the night that marked the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth, James received an unmistakable call. After the midnight Mass, the seminarians were free to remain in church as long as they wished. The Blessed Sacrament was solemnly exposed, and James stayed to pray for four hours. During that time, he received a special light from the Eucharist. He heard Jesus calling all people to himself, and he felt the obligation to do something to bring the people of the new century to the Lord. James was ordained to the priesthood on June 29, 1907. He gave himself wholeheartedly to his priestly ministry. He was spiritual director of the seminary of Alba, as well as a history professor and a catechist. In 1913, he was also asked to direct the publication of the weekly diocesan newspaper. In the midst of all this activity, he prayed and waited for God to guide him in his particular mission in the Church. He realized that he was being called to begin a religious community dedicated to spreading the Word of God using modern technology, in particular, the printed word. His dream started out small, like a seed, with a handful of boys learning to run a printing press in a rented building. But time and prayer and faith made the seed grow into an enormous tree.
The priest and brothers of the Society of St. Paul, and the sisters of the Daughters of St. Paul increased in numbers, and in time they spread to other countries. They used modern technology to bring the Gospel to modern people: publications, radio programs, television. And as new technology is invented, they continue to put it at the service of Christ and his Church. These two congregations were just the beginning.
Father James Alberione founded ten religious communities and secular institutes, which make up the Pauline Family. He became a spiritual father to all his sons and daughters, passing on to them his unwavering trust in divine providence and his devotion to the Eucharist, the Word of God, the Church, and the apostolate of the media. When Vatican Council II was opened in 1962, Father Alberione was one of the superior generals invited to attend. From October 11, 1962 until December 8, 1965, he attended all the Council meetings. He sat silently, mostly unnoticed, listening and praying. He was particularly interested in the document on the media of social communications, discussed by the Council fathers. It was a confirmation of the work he and his Pauline Family had been carrying out in the Church for the past fifty years.
As Father Alberione advanced in age, his activity and energy continued to amaze those who knew him. It was especially impressive considering he suffered from acute spinal arthritis. It was only when he turned eighty that a slow and steady decline was noticed. As he was forced to give up more and more of his active work, he devoted more time and energy to prayer, which he called “working with his knees.” Even when he could no longer read, he continued to pray the Rosary.
From November 24 to 26, 1971, he suffered from his final illness—bronchial pneumonia and kidney blockage. He slipped into a coma and was unaware when Pope Paul VI stopped in for an unscheduled visit. The pope had a great amount of respect and gratitude for Father Alberione and all that he had accomplished during his life for the Church and the world. About half an hour after the pope's visit, Father James Alberione died. He was proclaimed blessed by Pope John Paul II on April 27, 2002.
PRAYER THROUGH THE INTERCESSION OF BLESSED JAMES ALBERIONE: Lord, glorify Blessed James Alberione in Your Church. Let him be for all of us light. Guide and support the work of our sanctification and in our apostolate. Open the way for evangelisation so that the presence of Jesus Master, the Way, the Truth and the Life may shine on the world through Mary, Mother and Queen of the Apostles. Grant me the grace I am praying for….(Mention your petition)
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be….
Jesus Master, the Way, the Truth and the Life, have mercy on us.
Mary, Queen of the Apostles, pray for us.
Saint Paul the Apostle, pray for us
From all sin, deliver us O Lord.