PRAYER: O Blessed Apostle St. Jude, we call upon you for help in hope and utmost confidence. St. Jude renowned help of the hopeless, come to my aid in this time of distress. St. Jude, cousin of our Lord, obtain from our Savior the favors I now need and seek. Glorious St. Jude with faith in your goodness I ask your help today, as one of Christ's chosen Apostles, you remain a pillar and foundation of His Church on earth. You are counted we know, among the elders who always stand before God's throne. From your place of glory we know you do not forget the needs and difficulties of Christ's little ones here still struggling, like me, on the way home to God. Please intercede for me, gracious St. Jude, and be with me in my daily work and in all my necessities. Amen.
(State your intentions here...)
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...
V. Pray for us, O Holy St. Jude.
R. That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
LET US PRAY: O, Saint Jude Thaddeus, cousin of Jesus Christ, glorious apostle and martyr, renowned for virtues and miracles, faithful and prompt intercessor of all who honor you and trust in you. You are a powerful patron and helper in grievous afflictions. I come to you and entreat you from the depths of my heart to come to my aid with your powerful intercession, for you have received from God the privilege to assist those who almost despair of all hope. Look down upon me, my life is a life of crosses; my days are days of tribulation; and my paths are strewn with thorns, and scarcely one moment passes but is a witness of my tears and sighs.
Overwhelmed by these thoughts, I see myself surrounded by a dark cloud. You cannot forsake me in this sad plight. I will not depart from you until you have heard me. O hasten to my aid. I will be grateful to you all my life. I will honor you as my special patron, I will thank God for the graces bestowed upon you and will propagate your honor according to my power. Amen.
St. Jude Thaddeus: Pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.