Our Lady of Czestochowa, or the Black Madonna of Poland, is a very famous painting of the Blessed Virgin holding the Child Jesus. Under this title, Mary is the Patron and Protector of Poland. Since the face of Mary is very dark, she is referred to as the Black Madonna. This darkening of the image comes from centuries of being hidden and the many years of soot and smoke from candles illuminating the icon. The picture follows the traditional form of an icon. Mary gestures toward Jesus, directing the attention away from her and pointing to Jesus as the source of salvation. The child Jesus extends his right hand in blessing to the viewer of the painting and holds a book of the gospels in his left hand. As in many icons Jesus looks like a small man, reminding us that Jesus, while still a child, is fully mature in his Divine nature.
The painting of the Madonna has a long history. Legend has it that it was painted by Saint Luke on a piece of a cedar tabletop built by Saint Joseph. Some even say it is part of the table used at the Last Supper. Saint Helen found this painting when she went to Jerusalem in search of the true cross. She gave the painting to her son, Constantine. When the city of Constantinople was invaded by the Saracens, the people prayed to Mary and the city was saved. This began the great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary attached to this painting.
The history of the painting is more accurately documented in 1382, when Prince Ladislaus was owner of the painting. In that year, when the Tartars were invading the Prince's palace, an arrow hit the painting, lodging in the throat of Mary. Prince Ladislaus decided to take the icon to Opala, the town where he was born, in order to keep the picture safe. On the journey there, he stopped and spent the night at Czestochowa. The next day, as they began to continue the journey, the horses pulling the wagon with the painting of Our Lady refused to move. Prince Ladislaus took this as a sign that the painting was to remain in Czestochowa. The icon was placed in the care of the Order of the Hermits of Saint Paul at their monastery called the Mount of Light, or in Polish, Jasna Gora. The icon of the Black Madonna, Our Lady of Czestochowa, is there to this day.
The icon was again in danger and damaged in 1430 when the Hussites invaded the monastery. Twice the painting was struck with a sword, and before it could be hit the third time, the looter fell to the ground and died. Despite trying to repair the painting, the sword cuts and the arrow wound are still visible in the painting today.
In 1655 Swedes invaded Poland. The people prayed to Mary, and Poland was again saved from the invaders through the intercession of Mary. Our Lady of Czestochowa was thus crowned as the Queen of Poland, and this icon became the symbol of national unity.
There is even a modern legend from the time Russia invaded Poland in 1920. The Russian army was ready to attack when an image of Mary was seen in the clouds. At this vision, the troops withdrew and Poland was again saved. The Church honors Mary, the Mother of God, in various ways. Mary can intercede for us, as is evidenced by the many healings and miracles that have been attributed to prayers to Our Lady of Czestochowa over the years.
PRAYER: Holy Mother of Czestochowa, Thou art full of grace, goodness and mercy.
I consecrate to Thee all my thoughts, words and actions – my soul and body.
I beseech Thy blessings and especially prayers for my salvation.
Today, I consecrate myself to Thee, Good Mother, totally – with body and soul amid joy and sufferings to obtain for myself and others Thy blessings on this earth and eternal life in Heaven. Amen.
(9 January 1843 - 26 August 1897)
Teresa Jornet Ibars was the born January 9th, 1843 in the Catalan region of Spain. She was the foundress of the Little Sisters of the Abandoned Aged, better known as the Little Sisters of the Poor. This is not to be confused with the Congregation also called this founded by St. Jeanne Jugan.
From a young age, Teresa had a strong concern for the poor, often bringing them to the home of an aunt, where they were sure to receive assistance. Later she moved to Lerida, and lived with another aunt as she pursued her education. She became a teacher in Barcelona. During this time, she felt drawn to the monastic life and applied for admission to the Poor Clares, but she was not accepted. For this reason she devoted herself to her teaching and became a Carmelite tertiary to help in the development of her Spiritual life. She was encouraged by her Spiritual Director to undertake caring for the many elderly people of the area who were living alone and in poverty. She accepted this challenge.
In 1872, she opened the first house in Barbastro. Her sister Maria helped her, and the following year the small group took the habit and became a religious Congregation. Since Teresa had previously been with the Carmelite Order, she took the name of their great foundress, Teresa of Jesus. She was elected the first superior of the new community. They were totally dedicated to the care of the aged. Mother Teresa of Jesus taught her Sisters to sacrifice their own personal comforts for that of the men and women that they cared for. In addition for her intense commitment, she was noted for her overwhelming peace, and that drew in many young women to join her.
An outbreak of cholera hit Spain in 1897, and she joined the other members of the Congregation in their care of the victims of this plague. By the time it ended, 24 Sister, and seventy of their patients had died from the disease. She was physically overwhelmed and retired to the house in Liria. This is where she died, on August 26, 1897. At the time of her death, her Congregation had fifty houses. She was beatified in 1958 by Pope Pius XII, and canonized in 1974 by Pope Paul VI.
PATRON: Senior citizens, retired people, the Poor and the Abandoned.
PRAYER TO ST. TERESA OF JESUS JORNET IBARS: St. Teresa of Jesus Jornet Ibars, help us to show a want to serve the poor. Help us to open our eyes to those who live in poverty. Help us to stay determined as you did. Help us to fearlessly accept the tasks given to us. Amen.