What's New !!

  • Listen to Articles:
    You can now listen to articles read aloud! Simply click the "Start Audio Narration" button at the top of the article to have the text read to you. This is a great option for when you prefer to listen instead of read.

  • Bible in 365 Days:
    The Bible readings are now part of the daily calendar for the whole year. This will show on the days you need to read them.

  • Important Announcements:
    Important announcements are also included in the calendar when they need to be shown, alongside your Bible readings.

  • Feedback & Prayer Request Forms:
    We've added new forms for your feedback and prayer requests. The Prayer Request form now offers a choice for both petitions and giving thanks.

  • Improved Search:
    We've made it easier to find what you're looking for. The search feature is now simpler to use.