Virgin of Fatima, my dearly beloved Mother, I who belong to the Marian Movement, consecrate myself today, in a very special way to your Immaculate Heart.
By this solemn act, I offer my whole life to you; my heart, my soul, my body and especially this time of my youth in which I am now living. Guide me along the way that Jesus has traced out for us; the way of love, of goodness and of sanctity.
Help me to flee from sin, from evil and from egoism and to resist temptations to violence, to impurity and to drugs.
I promise you to go to confession often and to receive Jesus into my heart as my spiritual food of life, to observe the commandments of God, to walk along the road of love and purity, and to recite the holy rosary daily. I want to be a witness of unity by my great love for the Pope, for my Bishop and for my Priests.
I love you, O sweetest Mother of mine, and I offer you my youth for the triumph of your Immaculate Heart in the world.
(With ecclesiastical approval)