1. Let us contemplate on the First Mystery - The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. (In this decade we pray for the grace to serve Jesus in Joyful hope)

  2. Let us contemplate the Second Mystery - The Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven. (In this decade we pray for the grace to live spiritual lives focusing on Heaven)

  3. Let us contemplate the Third Mystery - The Descent of the Holy Spirit on our Lady and the Apostles in the upper room. (In this decade we pray that we may fulfil our duty of spreading the Faith)

  4. Let us contemplate the Fourth Mystery - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Body and Soul into Heaven. (In this decade we pray to grow in our union with Jesus through Mary)

  5. Let us contemplate the Fifth Mystery - The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Heaven, as Queen of Heaven and Earth. (In this decade we pray for the grace of perseverance at the hour of our death)

Marian Rosary Cenacle