Let us contemplate on the First Mystery - The Baptism of our Lord Jesus in the river Jordan by the prophet John the Baptist. (In this decade we ask Mary our Mother to help us overcome disorderly attachments and follow Jesus faithfully)
Let us contemplate the Second Mystery - The Wedding Feast at Cana where our Lord Jesus performs his first miracle turning water into wine at Mother Mary's request. (In this decade we pray for the grace to offer ourselves totally to Jesus through Mary)
Let us contemplate the Third Mystery - The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God by our Lord Jesus Christ. (In this decade we pray for an increase in Faith and for the Conversion of Heart)
Let us contemplate the Fourth Mystery - The Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ at Mount Tabor. (In this decade we ask for the grace to carry our Cross focusing on Jesus)
Let us contemplate the Fifth Mystery - The Institution of the Holy Eucharist by our Lord Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. (In this decade we pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory)