1. Let us contemplate the First Mystery - The Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to Mary that she shall conceive the Son of God. (In this decade we ask for the grace of Humility and Obedience)

  2. Let us contemplate the Second Mystery - The Visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, who was then carrying John the Baptist in her womb. (In this decade we ask the Lord to help us Love God and Love our neighbour)

  3. Let us contemplate the Third Mystery - The Birth of our Lord Jesus in a stable at Bethlehem. (In this decade we ask the Lord to enkindle our hearts to have Concern and Love for the Poor)

  4. Let us contemplate the Fourth Mystery - The Presentation of our Lord Jesus in the Temple by Mary and Joseph where they meet the prophet Simeon. (In this decade we pray for the grace of the Spirit of Sacrifice)

  5. Let us contemplate the Fifth Mystery - The Finding of the Lost Child Jesus in the Temple by Mary and Joseph after their struggle and pain at the thought of losing their beloved Son Jesus. (In this decade we pray for the grace of Wisdom)

Marian Rosary Cenacle