"In order to give the suffering and crucified Church of your time my motherly help and a safe refuge, I have brought the Marian Movement of Priests into being and have spread it through every part of the world by means of my book, which traces out for you the road along which you must journey in order to spread my light. With this book, I teach you to live the consecration to my Immaculate Heart with the simplicity of children; in a spirit of humility, of poverty, of trust and of filial abandonment." [(604 i), December 31, 1977]

The Work that Our Lady is carrying out through this movement is for a spiritual renewal of the Church and all humanity.


"I have caused to spring up here, for twenty-five years now, my Marian Movement of Priests, so that the message of Fatima, often contested and rejected by many, might in your days come to its complete fulfilment." (594 l)

The Fatima message's fulfilment is necessary for you, my children, threaten and stricken, so that you may attain salvation. Its fulfilment is necessary for the Church, so wounded and crucified, so that from its painful and bloody trial it might emerge all beautiful, without spot or wrinkle, in imitation of its heavenly Mother. Its fulfilment is necessary for all humanity, so that it may return to the arms of its Father and come to know the new times of its full communion of love and of life with its Lord and God. [(594 m) May 8, 1977]


"It is my work, which I myself am now carrying out, in order to gather from all sides the little remnant which will remain faithful to Jesus and his Gospel, to the Pope and to the Church united with him." (497 e)

"If indeed his return is close at hand, then my motherly action becomes more concerned and vigorous, in order to assist all my children to remain ever in the truth of the faith. This is why I have asked you to consecrate yourselves to my Immaculate Heart. This is why, in these times of yours, I have spread everywhere my Marian Movement of Priests: to form the little flock, reunited in the prayer of the cenacles and watchful in expectation - the flock gathered together and formed by me to ever preserve the true faith". (420 I)

"Thus, when the Son of Man returns, He will still find the faith on earth in all those who will have consecrated themselves to me, allowing themselves to be gathered together in the heavenly garden of my Immaculate Heart". [(420 j), Mar 13, 1990]


"It is my work, which I am carrying out in every part of the world in order to conquer Satan, in the great battle against all the wicked spirits, because in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph". (497 e)

To spread the truth and to bring us to a greater unity with the Pope and the Church united to him. (497 h)

"It is my work, which I am accomplishing to spread the truth in these times of great apostasy, to bring you to greater unity with the Pope in these days of division and of widespread rebellion, to lead you along the way of grace and holiness amidst the general spread of sin and impurity". [497 I, June 19, 1993]

Marian Rosary Cenacle