The Marian Movement of Priests (MMP) is an association of Catholic clergy and lay associate members found by an Italian priest from Milan, Fr. Stefano Gobbi in 1972. On May 8th 1972, Father Gobbi was on a pilgrimage to Fatima, Portugal, and was praying in the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima for some priests who had given up their vocations. On that day he reported his first interior locution from the Virgin Mary.

Father Gobbi reported that the inner voice urged him to have confidence in the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to gather those priests that would be willing to consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and be strongly united with the Pope and the Catholic Church. According to Father Gobbi, he prayed to Mother Mary for a confirmation of  the inner voice, which he reported as receiving later in May 1972 while praying in the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth.

In July 1973, Father Gobbi began to write his interior locutions as messages which he attributed to the Virgin Mary. The messages from July 1973 to December 1977 were published in the book: "To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons". These messages have now become the genuine handbook of the MMP. There are 604 messages in the book and they span over 24 years of Father Gobbi's life.

Most of the messages often ask the faithful to follow Jesus and not deviate from His path. Message 110 of September 25, 1976 warns against diluting the words of the Gospel and "creating your own Gospel with your own words" rather than following the original teachings of Jesus.

Marian Rosary Cenacle