On Sundays and whenever else the need arises, common salt and fresh water are prepared in the church or sacristy. The priest wears a surplice and a purple stole.

V. Our help is in the name of the Lord.

R. Who made heaven and earth.

Addressing the salt, the priest commands the devil to be gone from it:

I command thee in the name of the living, true, and holy God, of God who ordered thee to be cast into the water by the Prophet Eliseus, thus to make the stagnant water drinkable. Mayest thou be salt free henceforth from all evil, ministering to the well-being of all who believe. Mayest thou give health of mind and body to all who partake of thee; and from any place where thou art sprinkled may all evil fantasies depart, and all wickedness, and all the cunning scheming of Satan. May every evil spirit flee away, at the command of him who is to come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire.

R. Amen.

Let us pray: We humbly beg of thy unbounded clemency, almighty and eternal God, in thy goodness to bless this salt which thou hast created and given to human beings for their use. Let it bring health of mind and body to all who partake of it. Let no uncleanness nor any onslaught of the powers of evil come near anything that shall have been touched or sprinkled with it. Through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

Addressing the water, the priest commands the devil to be gone from it:

I command thee in the name of God the Father almighty, in the name of Jesus Christ his Son, our Lord, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Be water now no longer in the power of our enemy, but availing rather to put all his power to flight, to dislodge that enemy, with all his rebel angels, and to rid the earth of them; through the power of that same Jesus Christ our Lord who is to come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire.

R. Amen.

Let us pray: God, who bringing salvation to mankind madest water the foundation of the great symbolic rites, give kindly ear to our prayer. Pour the strength of thy blessing into this element, many times purified to receive it. May this thy creature be thy servant now in thy religious rites. May it have henceforth the power, which divine grace can give it, to drive out devils and to ward off diseases; so that in the homes of the faithful, and wherever the faithful may be, all that this water touches may be unsullied and wholesome. May no breath of contagion linger there, no taint of corruption. May the snares of any lurking enemy fall sunder. And if aught threatens the safety or the peace of those who dwell there, may it be banished by the sprinkling of this water. Thus may that well-being, which they sought when they called upon thy Holy Name, be shielded from every assault. Through Christ, our Lord.

R. Amen.

He puts some of the salt into the water in the form of a cross, saying:

May this salt and this water mingle and blend together, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

R. Amen.

V. The Lord be with you.

R. And with your spirit.

Let us pray: God, whose power is unconquerable, whose empire will never be overthrown, whose final victory will be great and glorious, who holdest in check the powers opposed to thee, who dost bring the raging enemy to his knees, and subdue with a mighty hand the wickedness ranged against thee; in awe of thee yet in need of thy help we ask of thee thy flavour, begging of thee to look kindly upon this mingled salt and water. Let thy loving gaze enliven it and freshen it, and thy goodness like dew from heaven sanctify it. Where it is sprinkled and thy holy Name invoked may unclean spirits cease from troubling us. Like a venomous reptile may the devil be banished and terrify us no more. And wherever we are who ask thy mercy, may the Holy Spirit in his goodness be with us. Through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.


On Sundays and whenever else the need arises, common salt and fresh water are prepared in the church or sacristy. The priest wears a surplice and a purple stole.

V. Adiutórium nostrum in nómine Dómini.

R. Qui fecit cælum et terram.

The Blessing of Salt

Addressing the salt, the priest commands the devil to be gone from it:

Exorcízo te, creatúra salis, per Deum vivum, per Deum verum, per Deum sanctum, per Deum, qui te per Eliséum Prophétam in aquam mitti jussit, ut sanarétur sterílitas aquæ: ut efficiáris sal exorcizátum in salútem credéntium; et sis ómnibus suméntibus te sánitas animæ et córporis; et effúgiat, atque discédat a loco, in quo aspérsum fúeris, omnis phantásia, et nequítia, vel versútia diabólicæ fraudis, omnísque Spíritus immúndus, adiurátus per eum, qui ventúrus est judicáre vivos et mórtuos, et sǽculum per ignem.

R. Amen.


Imménsam cleméntiam tuam, omnípotens ætérne Deus, humíliter implorámus, ut hanc creatúram salis, quam in usum géneris humáni tribuísti, bene dícere et sancti ficáre tua pietáte dignéris: ut sit ómnibus suméntibus salus mentis et córporis; et quidquid ex eo tactum vel respérsum fúerit, cáreat omni immundítia, omníque impugnatióne spiritális nequítiæ. Per Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.

R. Amen.

The Blessing of the Water

Exorcízo te, creatúra aquæ, in nómine Dei Patris omnipoténtis, et in nómine Jesu Christi Fílii ejus Dómini nostri, et in virtúte Spíritus Sancti: ut fias aqua exorcizáta ad effugándam omnem potestátem inimíci, et ipsum inimícum eradicáre et explantáre váleas cum ángelis suis apostáticis, per virtútem eiúsdem Dómini nostri Jesu Christi: qui ventúrus est judicáre vivos et mórtuos, et sǽculum per ignem.

R. Amen.


Deus, qui ad salútem humáni géneris, máxima quæque sacraménta in aquárum substántia condidísti: adésto propítius invocatiónibus nostris, et eleménto huic multímodis purificatiónibus præparáto, virtútem tuæ bene dictiónis infúnde: ut creatúra tua, mystériis tuis sérviens, ad abigéndos dǽmones,morbósque pelléndos, divínæ grátiæ sumat efféctum; ut quidquid in domibus, vel in locis fidélium, hæc unda respérserit, cáreat omni immundítia, liberétur a noxa: non illic resídeat spíritus péstilens, non aura corrúmpens: discédant omnes insídiæ laténtis inimíci; et si quid est, quod aut incolumitáti habitántium invidet, aut quiéti, aspersióne hujus aquæ effúgiat: ut salúbritas, per invocatiónem sancti tui nóminis expetíta, ab ómnibus sit impugnatiónibus defénsa. Per Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.

R. Amen.

The Priest mixes the salt thrice with water in the form of a Cross, saying once:

Commixtio salis et aquæ páriter fiat, in nómine Pa tris, et Fí lii, et Spíritus Sancti.

R. Amen.

V. Dóminus vobíscum.

R. Et cum spíritu tuo.


Deus, invíctæ virtútis auctor, et insuperábilis impérii Rex, ac semper magníficus triumphátor: qui advérsæ dominatiónis vires réprimis: qui inimíci rugiéntis sævítiam súperas: qui hostíles nequítias poténter expúgnas; te, Dómine, treméntes et súpplices deprecémur, ac pétimus: ut hanc creatúram salis et aquæ dignánter aspícias, benígnus illústres, pietátis tuæ rore sanctífices; ut, ubicúmque fúerit aspérsa, per invocatiónem sancti nóminis tui, omnis infestátio immúndi spíritus abigátur: terrórque venenósi serpéntis procul pellátur:et præséntia Sancti Spíritus nobis, misericórdiam tuam poscéntibus, ubíque adésse dignétur. Per Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte eiúsdem Spíritus Sancti Deus,per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum

R. Amen.

Sacramental Blessings - Priests Only